localización geográfica


Our system allows you to convert any GPS coordinate on the planet into a simple name or word, based on alphanumeric characters, making VayaPin a global address solution.
This way you can always communicate the address of your home, business, igloo or tree house in the most precise and simple way ever seen.


Lat: 38.97248654389
Long: 1.37662398723

(GPS coordinates)


Register your pin

The name of your VayaPin address will be your own unique address.
No one else can claim the same name.
And since it is movable and all your personal information editable, we believe it might just become the last address you will ever need.

Attach your information

Inside your VayaPin, you can add whatever information relevant to the location, private or business, such as images and video of the location, contact information, links to social networks, documents and so much more. Each piece of information can be password protected, only making it visible to the people you wish to share it with.

Share it with your clients, friends and family

VayaPin offers many options to quickly share and communicate your address and data:
1. Each pin has a unique QR code to be scanned.
2. By using NFC technology and simply tapping 2 phones together.
3. You can share your Pin in just one click through all existing text message providers and online channels.
4. People will be able to search for your unique VayaPin name.

Your pin can be stored under contact details on any persons phone, always ensuring that they have your updated contact details.

VayaPin´s API

Any company, from service providers to E-Commerce, or emergency response teams to food delivery companies, can access our solution completely free through our website and arrive at your destination the first time, every time.

By also implementing our API into their platforms, they will not only ensure faster and more precise deliveries, but also always have updated information details on their clients, faster checkout and ultimately better reviews and happier clients.


Enter the name
of the VayaPin,
open the link or
scan it’s QR code.

Review all the information
the pin includes.

Select your preferred
map or travel / car
hailing application.

The coordinates will be
inserted automatically and
you will be able to travel
to your destination.